Call to action -
In addition to volunteering when the OPA works at the OFB in October, there is another opportunity happening right now, and the Food Bank needs our help.
I received the below information this week and if you've got a few mintues, and want to help out, read the following and follow the link.
So far 8050 has taken the pledge to help.
Hello OFB Volunteer Community!
Remember back in March when we participated in the "We Can Do This" challenge? Thanks to your help, we won a truckload of food equivalent to 150,000 meals!
Now there's another opportunity to win Oregon another truckload of food! September is Hunger Action Month, and Feeding America is asking people who care about hunger issues to pledge to take action. The food bank that receives the most pledges wins!
All it takes is a few clicks. Here's what to do:
1. Visit our website: http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=6jeyz8n6&et=1103698029669&s=30106&e=001AKwlfPegpzcR_4D4AfBfdkSDKj7f7Y77jZlcSQ8LTZLXj3uWfm7Oi88BmY-PA6rzsDw_042AjIMnTX3kkL-h4yQHbw9S0bgHmJ7X81mACZG19FRf28hIzlnLs8uSOc9S
2. In the bottom left corner of our home page, you'll see an orange box called "Take the Pledge".
3. Add your name, email address and zip code and click "Pledge Now".
That's it! Competition will be fierce, so please tell your friends in Oregon!
Thanks so much! If you'd like to keep up-to-date on positive actions you can take to help fight hunger in Oregon, join us on Facebook by clicking here.
Remember back in March when we participated in the "We Can Do This" challenge? Thanks to your help, we won a truckload of food equivalent to 150,000 meals!
Now there's another opportunity to win Oregon another truckload of food! September is Hunger Action Month, and Feeding America is asking people who care about hunger issues to pledge to take action. The food bank that receives the most pledges wins!
All it takes is a few clicks. Here's what to do:
1. Visit our website: http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=6jeyz8n6&et=1103698029669&s=30106&e=001AKwlfPegpzcR_4D4AfBfdkSDKj7f7Y77jZlcSQ8LTZLXj3uWfm7Oi88BmY-PA6rzsDw_042AjIMnTX3kkL-h4yQHbw9S0bgHmJ7X81mACZG19FRf28hIzlnLs8uSOc9S
2. In the bottom left corner of our home page, you'll see an orange box called "Take the Pledge".
3. Add your name, email address and zip code and click "Pledge Now".
That's it! Competition will be fierce, so please tell your friends in Oregon!
Thanks so much! If you'd like to keep up-to-date on positive actions you can take to help fight hunger in Oregon, join us on Facebook by clicking here.